Salutations, Monsieur et Mademoiselle.
This is Na speaking. Since we will have the same journey,
let's start, shall we?

This carrd was made to tell a little info about the account and its owner. Credits to the rightful owner for the pictures i use in this carrd.

Which laugh was it that led me to fall in love,
or halt the mountains and rivers where we are?


β€’ Na.
β€’ IND.
β€’ She / her.
β€’ β™Š.
β€’ ENFP-T
β€’ I speak bilingual but mostly in IND.
β€’ I'm actually an awkward and shy person. :'(


β€’ This account contains random thingy, but i mainly talking about danmeis and rhythm games and animes.
β€’ My account is NOT SPOILER FREE.
β€’ I am a yumejoshi. Sometimes I tweet about self-shipping with my fav character.
β€’ I am selective with who I want to be mutuals with.
β€’ If you made me uncomfortable I'll definitely softblock you.
β€’ I do keyboard smash sometimes.
β€’ I talk about Greek Mythology and Percy Jackson's series sometimes too.


You're homophobes. β€’
You spread hate about my interest. β€’
You're disrespectful to other people. β€’
You're a SJW. β€’
You can't tell the difference between fiction and reality. β€’
You're a racist. β€’
You're just gonna follow but never interact ever again. β€’

If i do something wrong, please told me privately through DM and dont do a drama thingy. Please break the mutual with SOFTBLOCK or BUB (block-unblock). Thank you.

Anyways, if i suddenly followed you, it means i like you and i hope we can be friends!! But its okay if you dont follow me back if it makes you uncomfortable!

Reading a book, listening to music, cats and kittens, sweet food, ice cream, manhwa, anime, danmei, manga (especially shoujo mangas), Greek mythology.

Spicy food, summer, ghost, jumpscare.

Meet the beloved ones.

Congratulations for being this far!

Dearest all my mutuals and everyone who have reach this,
Growth. We're constantly going through cycles of growth. Moments of pain, heartbreak, and falls, will bring acceptance, understanding, and strength. There will be peace after the chaos. Please hang tight. I'm sending lots of warmth and love your way, take care of yourself.

I'll always be holding on to you. No matter how rough things get, no matter how far away you are, no matter how tangled things are in your mind. I might not be able to understand every single thing you're going through, but I promise I will walk with you, hand in hand.

You are loved. On quiet days that feel meaningless, during long nights when loneliness consumes you, when you’re reminiscing and grieving the past, on good days that feel like warmth and light, always remember that you are loved.

Minute by minute. Hour by hour. Day by day. We'll get through them all a little at a time.

It's just hard, it's not impossible. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. β™‘

To the prettiest angel that I've ever meet,
Kei, Mbau, Odit, Asa, Chel, Leia, Alla, Rhea, Rhyde, Ran, Din, Iva, Elise, Erina, Nami, Moon, Deya, Ryuu, Iki, Taya, Rey, Sal, Oni, Dhea, Tipeniyyy, Yuzu, and Hima.

Find people who can handle your darkest truths, who don’t change the subject when you share your pain, or try to make you feel bad for feeling bad. Find people who understand all of your struggle, more than others, and that there’s no weakness in admitting it.

Find people who get that life is hard, and who get that life is also beautiful, and who aren’t afraid to honor both of those realities. Find people who help you feel more at home in your heart, mind and body, and who take joy in your joy.

Find people who love you, for real, and who accept you, for real. Just as you are. They’re out there, these people. Your tribe is waiting for you.

Because you all deserve enough.


β€’ Hypmic.
β€’ Given.
β€’ Enstars.
β€’ A3!
β€’ PJ Sekai.
β€’ Some danmei(s).
β€’ Haikyuu.
β€’ BSD.
β€’ Riordanverse.
β€’ Some shoujo manga(s).
β€’ Some webtoon / manhwa.

Comfort characters.